tisdag 6 december 2011

Tuesday - Read-through of the play

     Today we got our characters and had a read-through of the play. For some reason hearing others read the play helped a lot to picture it all and to distinguish the characters.

     I already knew that I was going to struggle with the American accent, but it wasn't until today when I actually had to try it out that I fully understood how much work I will have to do. It's a little bit weird, because in Swedish I have quite a good ear for accents, so you would think that it wouldn't be too difficult to copy accents in English. But it is. A couple of months ago I bought an "Access Accents - General American"-CD-lessons-thingy which I've never used. It's about time to unwrap it and see if it helps.

     We took a little break from the reading at one point and watched this:

     I would recommend everybody to watch it. I was struggling to hold back the tears, and I know that I wasn't the only one.

     Something that I have noticed is that the more you research the subject, the more pictures and videos you see, the more articles you read the more real it becomes. It might sound stupid, I mean, of course you will understand it better the more you research it, that's obvious, but it's more than that... It's...the feeling when you really realize that this is real. When you realize that the words written in the script were said by real people. That what happend really happend. It's not until you've reached this point that you can go from just saying: "Oh, it's really terrible what happened in Laramie!" to really feel that pain deep down in your heart.
     And this is really engaging. The more you know, the more you want to know. And I believe that is the general feeling in the class.

     I am really excited about this project!

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