torsdag 8 december 2011

Blocking of act 1

     Yesterday we started blocking the "moments" (The Laramie Project consists of moments rather than scenes) in the play and we got as far as to the end of act 1! Go us!

     We started off with a physical and vocal warm up (we're going to get quite fit, or at least improve our stamina significantly, if we'll continue jumping like that!) and followed it with a movement exercise. In the movement exercise we were walking around in the room and our teacher, JC, would shout out different things (things that were somehow connected to the script) and we were to physicalise them as a statue. During the exercise, when we were freezed in our different statues, he would pat some of us on the shoulder and we got to relax and just walk around the room and watch the other's statues. It was really powerful! Even though the words were the same none of the statues were. It was like stepping into some kind of magical world, like a magical forest of statues. It didn't matter that you didn't understand what the thought was behind each statue, because they all contributed to the feeling of the whole picture.

     I don't want to ruin the surprise for the people who's going to see the show by telling how it's going to start, but I can say that it's going to be pretty powerful. It'll really set the mood of the piece right in the beginning.

     And then the blocking started! Blocking is quite a lot of work, but it went very quickly. I'm glad I'm a very patient person, because there's a lot of just sitting around and waiting. It was really interesting to see how JC wanted to do the changes between the moments and I think that when everything runs smoothly it's going to look really stylish and nice.

     That's all for now. I'm now going to eat something and practise my American accent!

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