måndag 12 mars 2012

The Laramie Project

     Yes, there were some problems on the way and the rehearsal process was quite long, but we ended up with a great performance which moved a lot of people. And that's the whole point of theatre - to move, to touch. So yeah, I'm just very happy with it.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hej, jag är en annan Stella som undrar om du är intresserad av att möjligtvis låta mig få ta över din gamla domän stella.blogg.se? Skulle verkligen uppskatta det om du svarar. Du kan även mejla mig på stellaringdahl@hotmail.com. Ha det bra!

  2. Hi Stella!

    Could you please e-mail me? I'm on my way to London for auditions, and need help with a couple of things.

    Please contact me a.s.a.p on fredriclagerblad@hotmail.com

