söndag 11 mars 2012


It’s not specified in the script whether the foreperson is a man or a woman, but it helped me to imagine the foreperson as a man. 

He is very smart, confident, well spoken, likes the attention, honoured to read the verdict for such a noticed criminal.

He has the nicest flat in town with windows covering the whole walls. Everything in his house is stylish and clean. He likes golf, whiskey and early mornings with a cup of espresso. 

He also has a beautiful, successfull wife who he loves to pieces.

Physical portrayal
As I was imagining him as a man I automatically tried to move like a man. A very confident man telling a very serious verdict to a lot of people. He uses his hands quite a lot and with confidence.

Vocal portrayal
His voice is deeper than mine. It's calm, strong, confident - just like himself. Due to the nature of the trial it's very serious and factual. You can tell that he likes the attention though.

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