söndag 11 mars 2012

Director's notes

     The only personal note I was given during the rehearsals was that I had to work on my diction for the anonymous friend of Aaron McKinney. I tried my best to do that and wasn’t given the note again, which I hope was because my accent was alright rather than the director not wanting to have to give me the same note again.

     The general notes mostly had to do with the energy and focus level which were pretty bad for a long time. We also got some notes on projection later on in the rehearsal process. I tried my best to heighten the energy level by standing up quickly on my cues, projecting and just by putting a lot of energy in my characters. I admit that it was difficult sometimes to remain 100% focused when sitting on the side for a long time, but I did the best I could. When we didn’t have to follow the action in the scripts my focus was much better, because then it was easier to really listen to what was going on on stage. I think most of the class agreed with me on that.

     I also refrained from eating dairy products and drinking fizzy drinks and alcohol and I continued with daily exercise. This is something that I always try to do, though.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej, jag är en annan Stella som undrar om du är intresserad av att möjligtvis låta mig få ta över din gamla domän stella.blogg.se? Skulle verkligen uppskatta det om du svarar. Du kan även mejla mig på stellaringdahl@hotmail.com. Ha det bra!
