söndag 12 februari 2012

Fear and Misery of the Third Reich

     A few days ago I saw the other group's production of Fear and Misery of the Third Reich. I thought it was very good to see it as I feel like I learned something about acting from it. Or rather, I was reminded of things I had thought about before and they became much clearer to me.

     The thing was that actingwise some of them really stood out. And I was just thinking...why? Well, not only did they stand out because they meant what they said and had high energy, but also because they lived in the moment, they reacted to what was going on around them and they hade a strong ensemble sense. They had stage presence.

     I had a discussion with a friend about this and my strong desire to be able to just stop thinking so much and just live in the moment. He recommended a Physical Ensemble Theatre Workshop which is supposed to be very liberating and help me with all that. So next week end I'm doing that workshop and hopefully it will help me!

Until then I'm going to work on my characters and decide really clear and strong senses of what they want to achieve.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej! Jag heter Stella och undrar om jag möjligtvis skulle kunna få ta över din gamla domän stella.blogg.se? Du skulle kanske kunna mejla mig på stellaringdahl@hotmail.com eller stellas.ringdahl@gmail.com med ett svar? Det skulle vara snällt om du svarade så fort du får tid så kan vi prata vidare. Tack på förhand och ha en bra dag /Stella.
