söndag 15 januari 2012

Blocking of act 3 and first run

     Last Wednesday we continued blocking act three and did a run of the whole show. The run went okay even though it was very slow and people didn't always know their cues (I can't say that I knew all of my cues, but I'm learning!), but I'm starting to get a better picture of what the show is going to be like, and I'm looking forward to when we've tighten it up and made it all run more smoothly. It's going to be quite an experience, both to watch and perform!

     I really need to work on my subtext and what I want with each line for each person. I wasn't very alert last Wednesday (as I had had a very emotionally draining audition the day before) so acting out lines with a vague subtext didn't exactly work. I need to make it strong and clear so I can perform it even when I feel less alert.

     I found a whole archive of articles from the New York Times from when Matthew Shepard was killed and it's such a good source for information! For example I found out that Russell Henderson's mother, Lucy Thompson's daughter, froze to death whilst drunk.

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